From Yoga to Yahweh: Madeline’s Testimony of Spiritual Warfare | TRM Ep 96

Ever wondered how a journey from career-focused living and yoga could lead to a profound spiritual awakening? The latest episode of The Radiant Mission Podcast features Madeline, a devoted wife, mother, and doula, who shares her incredible testimony. Raised in a Catholic household with a casual knowledge of Jesus, Madeline’s path took a transformative turn as she transitioned from partying and horseback riding to a life deeply rooted in faith and holistic health. This blog delves into her powerful narrative and explores the intersection of faith, health, and spiritual warfare.

From Yoga to Yahweh

Madeline’s journey to faith through health is a compelling story. Initially raised with a casual awareness of Jesus through her Catholic upbringing, Madeline recounts her transition from a life focused on career, horseback riding, and partying to a holistic health journey. Practices like yoga and acupuncture initially helped her manage physical pain and anxiety, but eventually left her feeling like she was in a cycle. As she approached marriage and motherhood, her pursuit of health and well-being intensified, highlighting her shift from worldly pursuits to finding peace and purpose in her relationship with Christ.

The episode reveals how prayer played a transformative role in Madeline’s life, especially during the birth of her son. Specific prayers led to a nearly pain-free labor experience, igniting a passion to share her story and newfound trust in God. Meeting a Christian friend who guided her and taught her about the importance of praying to God rather than manifesting further strengthened her faith. This narrative culminates in a profound moment of realization and spiritual awareness when a video about the demonic roots of yoga sparked a deep, introspective conversation with her husband, leading to an intense spiritual encounter.

Spiritual Warfare & Deliverance

A significant part of Madeline’s testimony involves her experience with spiritual warfare and deliverance. Overwhelmed by feelings she attributed to demonic influences from past practices like yoga, she sought help from a friend who connected her with a prayer warrior. This led to a powerful deliverance session, where she felt a significant weight lift off her. Supported by her husband, who had recently started reading the Bible, Madeline and her husband experienced spiritual revelations, feeling lighter and more connected to God. Their lives have been radically changed since, as they continue this spiritual journey together.

The episode also explores the powerful role of faith and testimony in childbirth and pregnancy. Madeline and I discuss the importance of trusting in God’s design for birth, the spiritual aspects of pregnancy, and the impact of words on experiences. By sharing personal experiences and prayers for a pain-free, God-guided birth, they highlight the significance of positive affirmations and the dangers of speaking negatively over oneself. The historical and spiritual implications of the medicalization of childbirth are examined, acknowledging both the benefits and potential negative influences within the healthcare system.

Should Christians Practice Yoga?

One of the more controversial topics addressed in the episode is the spiritual dangers of yoga within Christian communities. The discussion explores yoga’s origins and potential spiritual implications, explaining that yoga, originally created to worship Hindu gods through specific poses, can unintentionally open practitioners to demonic oppression. Personal testimonies highlight experiences of spiritual oppression and the potential dangers of practices like yoga, Reiki, and sound baths. Emphasizing the importance of adhering to Biblical teachings, the episode urges listeners to reflect on their attachment to yoga and consider alternative forms of exercise that align with their faith.

Protecting children from spiritual darkness is another crucial topic covered in the episode. The host revisits the difference between oppression and possession, underscoring the importance of discussing spiritual warfare within Christian communities. They emphasize the ongoing relevance of these issues beyond biblical times and share strategies to protect children from spiritual darkness. Highlighting the significance of their relationship with God and the example they set for their kids, they stress the impact of external influences, such as TV shows, on children’s spiritual well-being. Embracing a path that may seem counter-cultural, they encourage listeners to seek Jesus wholeheartedly, affirming that God desires to heal and support in all aspects of life.

Madeline’s journey from yoga to Yahweh is a powerful testimony of faith and healing. Her story sheds light on the potential spiritual dangers of practices like yoga and the importance of trusting God’s design during pregnancy and childbirth.

Watch or Listen

The Radiant Mission Podcast | Episode 96
Host: Rebecca Twomey
Guest: Madeline Marlatt @mommamadeline

Thank you for listening to The Radiant Mission podcast! We are on a mission to encourage and inspire you on your walk with Christ and as you journey through life. 

In Episode 96 we are joined by @mommamadeline who shares her powerful testimony about being demonically oppressed by yoga.

Bible Verses Mentioned:

  • Mark 11:24


Follow Madeline on IG: @mommamadeline

Visit Madeline’s website:

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2 thoughts on “From Yoga to Yahweh: Madeline’s Testimony of Spiritual Warfare | TRM Ep 96”

  1. WOW, just wow! This episode gave me the chills! Praise the Lord for His deliverance! Yoga is demonic and everyone should hear this episode!

  2. This was such a needed and helpful episode of the Radiant Mission podcast! Yoga is one of those things that I always felt weird about, but I couldn’t figure out why. I so appreciate Madeline sharing her testimony! This was powerful!

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