Intro to God’s Design for Birth Series| TRM Podcast Ep. 68

This week we introduce a new topic on The Radiant Mission Podcast: God’s Design for Birth.
Join us as we embark on an enlightening exploration of childbirth – contrasting God’s divine design with modern societal practices. Our understanding of childbirth is often influenced by contemporary practices, which may sometimes overshadow the miraculous and intricate design God intended.
As your host, I share my personal journey and revelations. Additionally, we’ll explore birth stories from our radiant listeners. These narratives provide a vivid depiction of the transformation of childbirth expectations, highlighting the stark contrast between expectation and reality.

Understanding & Embracing God’s Design for Birth

Our focus is not just on understanding God’s design for birth but also embracing it. God’s design is awe-inspiring; it encapsulates how intricately He knits us in our mother’s womb. However, the miraculous process of birth is often overshadowed by modern practices. We aim to bring this divine perspective back into focus.
In the episode, I delve into my passion for this divine design and how modern society has significantly altered the way women give birth. This change is often counterintuitive to God’s design, as illustrated by my personal experience and thoughts shared by our listeners.
We invite you, our listener, to take this journey with us as we continue exploring the wonder of God’s intricate design for birth. In the upcoming episodes, we’ll feature two incredible mothers sharing their birth experiences and insights.
This exploration is not merely an academic exercise. It is a personal journey of discovery and revelation. Each story we share illuminates the divine beauty and wisdom inherent in the childbirth process. We invite you to join us in understanding and embracing childbirth from God’s perspective and celebrating the sheer miracle of life.
As we conclude each episode, we leave our listeners with thoughts of God’s love and the awe-inspiring beauty of His design. We encourage you to join us on this radiant mission as we delve deeper into understanding and celebrating God’s divine design for birth.

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The Radiant Mission Podcast | Episode 68
Host: Rebecca Twomey

Thank you for listening to The Radiant Mission podcast! We are on a mission to encourage and inspire you on your walk with Christ and as you journey through life.

In Episode 68 we introduce a new mini-series called God’s Design for Birth! We’ll be exploring birth from a design perspective.

Bible Verses Mentioned on God’s Design for Birth:

  • Psalms 139:1-18


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