Wild Pregnancy: Intuition, Faith, & Prenatal Care | TRM Podcast Ep. 80

In our most recent podcast episode, we delve into the topic of wild pregnancy. The episode is a compelling narrative of transformation, courage, and the innate wisdom of the human body. It offers a window into a woman’s journey from a highly medicalized birth experience to one that is deeply connected to her body’s natural rhythms and capabilities.

The episode begins by recounting the host’s personal story, which serves as a touchstone for the broader discussion about pregnancy and childbirth choices. She talks about becoming her own midwife for her third child, highlighting a path that might seem radical to some but is rooted in an ancient understanding of birth. This journey is not about rejecting modern medicine entirely but rather about finding a balance where technology is a tool, not a master.

One of the most striking parts of the episode is the discussion around the surprise conception without a menstrual cycle. We discuss lactational amenorrhea (LAM) and ovulation while breastfeeding. It serves as a powerful reminder of the body’s capacity to operate beyond what is typically expected or understood. This thread leads into a larger conversation about the limitations and uncertainties inherent in medical assessments, such as those leading to labor inductions based on ultrasound measurements.

Navigating Wild Pregnancy

Moreover, the episode doesn’t shy away from the challenges faced during pregnancy, including physical conditions like Symphysis Pubis Dysfunction (SPD) and the management of blood pressure. It’s here that the conversation turns towards the value of community wisdom and natural remedies, which can often provide comfort and solutions where traditional healthcare may fall short. The sharing of such personal experiences and alternative approaches to health provides listeners with a broader perspective on navigating the complexities of pregnancy. Specifically, wild pregnancy!

A significant portion of the episode is dedicated to the psychological aspects of pregnancy, particularly as it relates to women of advanced maternal age (a term of the medical system, not us!). We share stories of confronting fears and the strength found in faith and community support. We discuss the need to trust in one’s body and intuition, especially when facing increased medicalization and pressure for additional tests and interventions.

As the episode progresses, it becomes evident that the essence of a wild pregnancy and birth is not just about the physical act but also about an emotional and spiritual journey. It’s about reclaiming a sense agency, about learning from each experience, and about the awe that comes with witnessing the miracle of life.

To conclude, the episode touches on the postpartum period, emphasizing the importance of self-care and learning from each birthing experience. The discussion about postpartum body changes, such as diastasis recti, is approached with a commitment to healing and strength, reinforcing the overarching theme of the body’s resilience and capability.

Through its soulful exploration, the episode invites listeners to reconsider the wild terrain of pregnancy and birth, encouraging a deeper trust in the body’s wisdom and the transformative power of instinctive birthing.

Watch or Listen

The Radiant Mission Podcast | Episode 80
Host: Rebecca Twomey
Co-Host: Rachel Smith @rachelsmithsmith

Thank you for listening to The Radiant Mission podcast! We are on a mission to encourage and inspire you on your walk with Christ and as you journey through life. 

In Episode 80 we discuss what a wild pregnancy is, how it’s different from traditional pregnancy management, and how I became my own midwife for the birth of my third baby.

Bible Verses Mentioned:


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