What in the WORLD is Going On? | TRM Podcast Ep 97

In the latest episode of the Radiant Mission Podcast, we delve into some of the most profound and transformative topics that challenge our conventional beliefs about childbirth, societal norms, and spiritual warfare. Titled “What in the WORLD is Going On?” this episode is a captivating exploration of how unseen forces shape our perceptions and beliefs.

Imagine for a moment that your brain is a biological computer, programmed from childhood by love, trauma, and societal institutions. This programming significantly impacts our perceptions of events like childbirth. The podcast explores how societal shifts have turned this natural process into a medicalized event, raising questions about the influence of public schooling and other institutions on our beliefs. Drawing parallels to historical moments like the Boston Tea Party, the episode dissects the evolution of societal norms and the gradual acceptance of high taxes, encouraging listeners to think critically about the information they receive and the experiences that shape their lives.

Living in the World

One of the most compelling testimonies in this episode comes from Lex Renick, who shares her transformative journey of detransitioning after 14 years. Lex’s story is not just about changing gender identity; it’s a powerful narrative of personal discovery of God’s design. Her journey underscores the complexities of societal programming and the courage it takes to listen to the voice of Yahweh over the voice of the enemy. Lex’s experience highlights the importance of questioning what the world wants us to believe.

Madeline’s story is equally riveting. She talks about her deliverance from demonic oppression and it’s ties to yoga. Madeline’s journey sheds light on the spiritual battles many people face, often unbeknownst to them. Her experience with yoga, initially perceived as a path to wellness, turned into a spiritual struggle that required Yahweh’s intervention. This narrative serves as a cautionary tale about the spiritual implications of seemingly benign practices and the importance of spiritual vigilance.

The episode also explores the influence of media and politics on our minds. Media and politics wield enormous power over our perceptions, often manipulating us away from meaningful pursuits and spiritual growth. The podcast draws on Ephesians 6 to emphasize the importance of spiritual armor in battling these forces. An interesting moment at a recent RNC event, where a Sikh leader’s prayer highlighted the push towards a “universal” religion, brings this point home. This discussion is a call to awareness, urging listeners to be mindful of the media they consume and the political narratives they buy into.

Personal announcements add a spin to the episode. I shares news and encourages everyone to seek God’s kingdom above all else.

What in the WORLD is Going On in 5 Segments

The first segment provides a structured breakdown of the episode. In the first section, “Navigating Spiritual Warfare and Testimonies,” I recap the incredible stories featured so far, including Lex Renick’s journey and Madeline’s deliverance from yoga. I also shares the unexpected challenges faced in producing these episodes, which includes spiritual warfare.

The second segment, “Beyond Medicalized Birth,” explores the human brain’s complexity and how early childhood experiences shape our mental programming and beliefs. The discussion addresses how societal institutions, like the public school system, program us with certain knowledge and beliefs, often without encouraging critical thinking. Using childbirth as a poignant example, the podcast highlights how societal perceptions and medicalization have transformed a natural physiological process into a medical event.

In the third segment, “Unveiling Deception in Society,” the podcast encourages listeners to reprogram their minds to overcome fears, particularly surrounding birth, guided by faith. The discussion broadens to a societal perspective, examining the gradual acceptance of high taxes and the influence of special interests on societal norms. Historical events like the Boston Tea Party are used to illustrate these points, encouraging listeners to critically evaluate societal structures.

The fourth segment, “Exposing Manipulation Through Politics and Media,” delves into the influence of media and politics on our psychological and emotional states. I emphasize the spiritual battle against these forces and the importance of putting on the whole armor of God to withstand these schemes. The chapter concludes with a discussion about the significance of maintaining strong relationships and focusing on Biblical prophecy rather than letting political disagreements cause rifts.


The final segment, “Spilling the Tea and Seeking God,” I share some surprise news. This chapter reflects on the anticipation of this new journey and the importance of prayer. The episode concludes with a heartfelt message from Matthew 6:23, encouraging everyone to seek the kingdom of God above all else and live righteously, with the assurance that He will provide everything needed.

In conclusion, this episode of the Radiant Mission Podcast is a must-listen for anyone interested in challenging societal norms and exploring the profound impact of spiritual warfare on our lives. From Lex Renick’s and Madeline’s transformative journeys to the influence of media and politics, the episode offers a wealth of insights and inspiration.

Watch or Listen

The Radiant Mission Podcast | Episode 97
Host: Rebecca Twomey

Thank you for listening to The Radiant Mission podcast! We are on a mission to encourage and inspire you on your walk with Christ and as you journey through life. 

In Episode 97 I dive into what’s been going on behind the scene, what’s going on in our crazy world, and spill some tea.

Bible Verses Mentioned:

  • Ephesians 6:10-20
  • Revelation 17
  • Peter 5:13
  • Matthew 24:15
  • Matthew 24:24
  • Matthew 6:33


The Boston Tea Party

American Taxes

Religious Pluralism at the RNC

Revelations and One World Religion

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