Preparing for Rachel’s VBA2C at a Birthing Center | TRM Podcast Ep. 73

Embarking on the journey of childbirth is an extraordinary event that encompasses much more than the physical act of bringing a new life into the world. It is a tapestry of informed choices, preparations, and deeply rooted spiritual beliefs. For many women, including Rachel Smith, the co-host of The Radiant Mission podcast, the experience is further intensified when the path leads to a Vaginal Birth After Cesarean (VBAC, or VBA2C!). The episode that unfolds is not just a recount of a personal milestone, but an intimate exploration of the profound influence of faith and intentionality in the birth process.

Rachel’s journey toward VBAC is a testament to the strength and resilience of women when it comes to childbirth. She opens up about her past experiences with cesarean sections. And how those shaped her decision to seek a natural birth for her third child. Rachel’s narrative is a compelling one, where each decision is deliberately aligned with her Christian values and her belief in the body’s innate ability to birth. Her meticulous selection of a birth provider and the holistic practices she adopts to prepare her body for childbirth are reflective of her commitment to an informed and spiritually-anchored approach to birthing.

As Rebecca and Rachel discuss, the preparation for a VBAC or VBA2C is not just about the physical readiness. It’s also about nourishing the soul. Rachel’s embrace of chiropractic care, particularly the Webster technique, highlights the importance of supporting the body’s natural alignment for optimal fetal positioning. Her dedication to a nutrient-rich diet, emphasizing the benefits of supplements like beef liver, is another facet of her comprehensive preparation strategy. It’s a journey that’s as much about nurturing the physical form as it is about nurturing faith through prayer and meditation.

Preparing for a VBA2C

Furthermore, the episode delves into the emotional and psychological readiness for childbirth. Rachel candidly shares her use of positive thinking and mental strategies to manage fears and build confidence for the birthing process. The incorporation of spiritual practices, such as prayer and selecting a healthcare provider who shares her faith, reinforces the theme that childbirth is a holistic event encompassing mind, body, and spirit.

The podcast episode also addresses the broader implications of making healthcare choices that are in sync with one’s spiritual beliefs. The choice of a midwife, for Rachel, is not merely a professional decision but a spiritual one. It signifies the alignment of her belief system with the individual who will guide her through one of the most pivotal moments of her life. This deeply personal choice is an empowering act that resonates with many listeners who seek to integrate their faith into their healthcare experiences.

As the episode comes to a close, Rebecca and Rachel reflect on the complexities and empowerment that accompany childbirth. They celebrate the beauty of life’s transitions and the empowerment found in making informed, heartfelt choices. The episode is a reminder that the path to VBAC or VBA2C, or any birth choice, is a profound journey of faith, preparation, and empowerment. It’s a message that resonates with expectant mothers everywhere, encouraging them to take charge of their birthing experiences with courage, grace, and intention.

Listen or Watch

The Radiant Mission Podcast | Episode 73
Host: Rebecca Twomey
Co-Host: Rachel Smith @rachelsmithsmith

Thank you for listening to The Radiant Mission podcast! We are on a mission to encourage and inspire you on your walk with Christ and as you journey through life. 

In Episode 73 we talk with Rachel Smith about how she prepared for her VBA2C at a Birthing Center.

Bible Verses Mentioned:

  • Proverbs 3:4-5


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