Introduction to The Radiant Mission Podcast

01 – Introduction to The Radiant Mission Podcast with Rebecca Twomey

The Radiant Mission Podcast | Episode 1

Thank you for listening to The Radiant Mission podcast! We are on a mission to encourage and inspire you on your walk with Christ and as you journey through life. We cover topics from a Biblical perspective and will be tackling topics like spiritual warfare, oppression vs. possession, preparing for motherhood, birth including how to rewrite our mental scripts about birth, the transition into motherhood, trials in marriage, body image issues, trauma, mindset, and so much more.

But don’t worry, it’s not all heavy. I, along with my co-host, Rachel Smith, love humor. We feel it’s important to talk about the deep stuff, but we’ll always do our best to keep it light-hearted!

In Episode 01, I share a brief introduction to The Radiant Mission, how it came to be, and what to expect moving forward. It began back in 2018 when the Lord set the name on my heart. The next 4 years were years of awakening, learning, and growth. After experiencing some big changes and difficult moments, the Lord revealed Himself to me. Through pain and grief, He was made known. I can’t wait to share more about His goodness, and to introduce our co-host, Rachel Smith, next week! She not only loves the Lord, but is a tremendous researcher and has studied Torah Law extensively. Rachel is also on a discovery journey and together we hope to walk with yours.

Follow along on here, Apple Podcasts, Spotify, iHeartRadio, Stitcher, or wherever you prefer to listen! Click here for more options!

Thank you for being on this mission with us!

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130. RhoGAM, Birth Choices, and Women's Health with Dr. Nathan Riley The Radiant Mission

Send us a textWhat happens when a hospital OBGYN walks away from the system to support midwives and home birth? Dr. Nathan Riley returns for the final episode in our countercultural birth series to answer followers' questions and dive deeper into controversial topics that most medical professionals won't touch.We examine the science behind RhoGAM shots given to Rh-negative mothers, revealing shocking truths about its testing history and actual necessity. Dr. Riley explains how most women's health interventions were primarily tested on male subjects, creating a fundamental disconnect between medical recommendations and female physiology. This medical bias extends throughout healthcare, where women's monthly hormonal fluctuations make them "poor test subjects" compared to young, healthy men.The conversation takes an unexpected turn when discussing men's fears about birth. Dr. Riley shares a powerful exercise for partners anxious about home birth – asking their own mothers to recall not just the difficulty of labor but the transformative moment of holding their baby. This simple practice helps heal generational fears and creates a foundation for supporting a partner's birthing journey.Throughout our discussion, Dr. Riley emphasizes the importance of informed choice. Whether choosing home birth, hospital birth, or something in between, what matters most is that families receive complete information without pressure or judgment. The medical system often fails women by substituting protocols for personalized care, but with the right information, women can reclaim their power and intuition.Join us for this eye-opening finale that challenges conventional wisdom and invites you to question everything you've been told about birth, medical authority, and your own innate wisdom.Support the showThank You for Joining Us! For the full show notes, including links to any resources mentioned, please visit The Radiant Mission Blog.Follow along on social media:Instagram Facebook Enjoying the show? Please refer it to a friend 🙂
  1. 130. RhoGAM, Birth Choices, and Women's Health with Dr. Nathan Riley
  2. 129. Birth Autonomy & Medical Myths with Dr. Nathan Riley (Part 2)
  3. 128. Breaking Free from the Medical Model: Dr. Nathan Riley on the Sacredness of Birth
  4. 127. Faith-Based Addiction Recovery: Breaking Free & Renewing Hope
  5. 126. Overcoming Abortion Trauma and Addiction: Sarah Keel’s Journey

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