Unmasking Halloween: A Biblical Perspective| TRM Podcast Ep. 54

As the spooky season approaches, we find ourselves embarking on a journey of understanding Halloween from a Christian perspective. This topic may seem sensitive to some, but it is essential to delve into it, not with the intention of condemnation, but to gain understanding, challenge our preconceptions, and inspire open conversations about the choices we make as Christians.

Our personal experiences have greatly shaped our view on Halloween. We made a conscious decision to abstain from Halloween celebrations, a decision that was not taken lightly. This journey was not without its challenges. We had to navigate difficult conversations with our children and our neighbors, all the while holding firm to our conviction that this path was led by the Lord. It’s a journey that has significantly impacted our lives, and we believe that sharing our experiences might provide insight for others navigating similar choices.

The exploration doesn’t stop at personal anecdotes. We delve deep into the origins of Halloween, tracing its roots back to pagan practices and the creation of All Saints Day in the 7th century. The term ‘pagan’ often carries misconceptions, so we strive to provide clarity, defining it from a Biblical perspective and relating it to idolatry and polytheistic religions. The connections between modern-day Halloween and new-age spiritual practices are revealed, and yes, we even discuss the role of witches in these traditions.

Halloween: The Role of Oral & Written Traditions

Language plays a powerful role in shaping culture and spoken history. The way we discuss and understand Halloween has evolved over centuries, influenced by different dialects, colloquialisms, and traditions. Understanding the power of language in this context is crucial to unraveling the strings of Halloween and how it is perceived today.

We also shed light on the history of Halloween, how Pope Boniface IV created All Saints Day in the 7th century, later moved to November 1st by Pope Gregory III. The intertwining of Celtic traditions such as ghosts, goblins, and witches with this holiday and its spread across different regions are discussed in detail. The difference between oral tradition and written primary sources, and the implications this has on religion and culture, form a significant part of this conversation.

In conclusion, our exploration of Halloween from a Christian perspective is not about promoting a certain way of thinking or judging those who choose to celebrate it. Instead, it is about understanding the history, challenging our preconceptions, and making thoughtful decisions in line with our faith. So, join us in this journey, as we dissect Halloween, challenge norms, and delve deep into the heart of what it means to be a Christian in a world full of diverse traditions and celebrations.

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The Radiant Mission Podcast | Episode 54
Host: Rebecca Twomey
Co-Host: Rachel Smith @rachelsmithsmith

Thank you for listening to The Radiant Mission podcast! We are on a mission to encourage and inspire you on your walk with Christ and as you journey through life.

In Episode 54 we discuss Halloween from a Biblical perspective. We share our own personal experiences and dive into the history of the holiday.

Bible Verses Mentioned:

  • 2 Corinthians 5:15   

Resources Mentioned:

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