Intro to God’s Goodness: Igniting Hope & Deepening Faith | Ep. 93

In the latest Radiant Mission Podcast episode, we start a new series on God’s goodness with stories of faith and hope. The episode begins by reflecting on the power of sharing personal faith stories and how they ignite hope and foster a deeper connection with God. I compare this to a memorable dining experience that compels us to share with everyone we know. If worldly experiences are worth sharing, the profound impact of God in our lives is even more so.

God’s Goodness: A Baptism & Stories to Come

I share my husband’s recent baptism and spiritual awakening, showcasing the life-changing power of faith.

Through guests’ real-life stories of profound changes, listeners discover the immense power of sharing faith and its inspiring impact.

The episode also covers my journey from Florida to New York without a job, highlighting challenges and divine opportunities. This experience shows God’s faithfulness in providing and guiding us to our destined paths. I discuss trials like birth trauma and personal struggles, emphasizing God’s constant strength and comfort. I also share the growth and blessings in my marriage, community, and family.

Salvation for All

The episode doesn’t shy away from discussing the reality of hardships and temptations, but it also celebrates the redemptive power of God’s grace. My story is interwoven with scriptural references that reinforce the message of salvation and the hope that comes from a relationship with Jesus Christ.

This episode of the Radiant Mission Podcast serves as an invitation to reflect on our spiritual roots, to share our faith journeys, and to remember that no matter what we face, God’s transformative power is always at work within us. It’s a heartfelt reminder that every testimony has the potential to ignite hope and deepen faith, not just for the storyteller but for all who hear it. God’s goodness is incredible!

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The Radiant Mission Podcast | Episode 93
Host: Rebecca Twomey

Thank you for listening to The Radiant Mission podcast! We are on a mission to encourage and inspire you on your walk with Christ and as you journey through life. 

In Episode 93 we begin a new series called God’s Goodness: Igniting Hope and Deepening Faith where we discuss testimonies and more.

Bible Verses Mentioned in Intro to God’s Goodness:

  • Psalm 145:3
  • Romans 3:23
  • Romans 6:23
  • Romans 5:8
  • Romans 10:9
  • Romans 10:13
  • Ephesians 2:4-7


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