Natural Medicine & Iridology: Finding & Healing the Root Cause of Chronic Illness| TRM Podcast Ep. 46

The Radiant Mission Podcast | Episode 46
Host: Rebecca Twomey
Co-Host: Rachel Smith @rachelsmithsmith
Guest: Dr. Vaughn Lawrence @spritofhealthkc

Thank you for listening to The Radiant Mission podcast! We are on a mission to encourage and inspire you on your walk with Christ and as you journey through life.

In Episode 46 we explore natural medicine & iridology with special guest, Dr. Vaughn. He is a traditional naturopath and iridologist, focused on helping people discover the root cause of their chronic illness. Dr. Vaughn looks at health and the human body from a design perspective, helping people to understand the links between God, creation, health, sickness, and disease.

In This Episode on Natural Medicine & Iridology: Finding & Healing the Root Cause of Chronic Illness:

Dr. Vaughn shares his testimony.

His background includes a life away from God as he spent many years wayward. He was consumed by the things of this world until one day, a trip back home changed his life. He had an encounter with the Holy Spirit and was set on a new path.

Dr. Vaughn founded Spirit of Health in 2010 with the goal to spread the vision to Partner with God to bring healing and restoration to all creation.

His practice is based in Grandview, MO, however Dr. Vaughn and his team aim to help others transform their health no matter where they’re located and work with folks virtually.

He is not shy about Jesus.

His message is: “who am I to separate God from my business when by the grace of God I am even still alive? That I am here. That I am reborn, that I’m a new person, that I’ve been saved. It’s like wow, I want the whole world to know about that! […] I want Jesus to be the center of everything we do at Spirit of Health so that people know about the goodness of God in every way, shape, or form.”

Iridology: what it is and how it can be used as a tool to understand a person’s health?

Dr. Vaughn was certified in Iridology by Dr. Ellen Tart Jensen, daughter-in-law to Dr. Bernard Jensen. Dr. Bernard Jensen is well-known in colon health and worked with thousands of people in healing their bowls specifically. He pioneered Iridology in America.

Dr. Vaughn went out to California and became certified in Iridology, which is literally the reading of the iris of the eye. It’s amazing how much you can see in the eye. Some people will get weirded out by things like Iridology and ask if it’s New Age. Dr. Vaughn sought confirmation from the Lord before he pursued this study.

Observing the eye helps us to understand our bodies, that are made in the image of God.

Iridologists can see genetics in the eye, congestion in the eye, and so much more. It’s a tool to help uncover problems. Who is our God that He wouldn’t give us some tools that aren’t man-made to figure out what’s going on with our bodies? There are many different ways. Our tongues, feet, pulse, and eyes can all give us clues to what is going on internally.

We should be fascinated in these things since we’re made in God’s image!

Not only can you see health conditions in people’s eyes but they can change. If a person really works on their health issues, their eyes can change. The coloration, mucus, and other aspects can change as health improves.

God created everything and said that it was good.

He made women’s bodies to give birth. And He made our bodies to heal! God also gave us different ways to learn about our bodies and our health.

The Greek root word for “doctor” means “teacher.” A doctor’s job is to teach someone how to be healthy, how to be well. What doctors should be doing first and foremost is educating.

If we look at the medical system today, how much good, wisdom, and educating are doctor’s providing to their patients?

This is what Dr. Vaughn does at Spirit of Health. His goal is to teach and empower his patients on how to take care of themselves and their families for their whole lives. When people are empowered with herbs, therapies, techniques, nutrition, and different things that they can do, we can take care of our own families.

Are we reliant on God and our own wisdom and knowledge? Or are we reliant on this other system? The more reliant we are things outside of God’s creation and design, the more bad things can happen.

What is Western Medicine missing? Partnership with God.

At the end of the day, who is in charge? The exultation of man or of God?

Dr. Vaughn’s vision is partnering with God to bring healing and restoration to all creation. His mission is to declare God’s rightful place in medicine through education and empowerment. He declares that God is the healer, He is still on the throne, and it’s impossible for a man to heal anymore because God is the Creator.

The creed at Spirit of Health:

  1. Jesus Christ is the source of all life and healing.
  2. God heals through miracles and through obeying His laws of creation.
  3. Health and freedom are our birthright.
  4. God designed the body to heal itself.
  5. True healing is in body, soul, and spirit.
  6. The body understands the intelligence of God’s creation over manmade synthetics.
  7. God has given us all medicine needed for health and healing.
  8. Cleansing and detoxification is the key to purification and restoration of the temple.
  9. Disease a result of toxicity in body, soul, and spirit.
  10. Pain is an indicator.
  11. Our choices directly impact our health and the health of future generations.

What are some of the most common issues you’re running into?

Many people are chronically ill and don’t know why. They’ll go to the doctor and are given immunosuppressants for autoimmune disorders, pain killers for pain, steroids for pain or skin condition, but they’re suffering.

Why are people suffering? The quick answer is toxicity.

The medical system does not check for why people are sick. Yet, a simple test can tell us if someone has mold toxicity or Lyme disease. Interestingly, the most common issue causing chronic illness are parasites. The irony of this is medical system almost laughs at people when they mention having parasites, like it’s something only animals have.

Chronic infection is the number issue plaguing humanity right now. The reason? It’s the unhealthy condition inside of our bodies. It makes the body conducive for chronic infection to live in that body. That’s why Dr. Vaughn believes it’s important to cleanse the whole body, not just the parasites. You have to get a person’s body well.

Other issues causing chronic illness are heavy metal poisoning, mercury, aluminum, lead, chemical toxicity, herbicides, pesticides, glyphosate, parabens, radioactive elements (like uranium and cesium). Our world is very toxic today.

These illnesses suppress the immune system. When you suppress the immune system, you’re vulnerable to all sorts of issues. This is why there is so much sickness out there today.

Bible Verses Mentioned on Natural Medicine & Iridology: Finding & Healing the Root Cause of Chronic Illness:

  • Thessalonians 5:23
  • Matthew 6:22
  • Leviticus 21:16-20
  • Genesis 1:31
  • Leviticus 17:11

Resources Mentioned on Natural Medicine & Iridology: Finding & Healing the Root Cause of Chronic Illness:

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To connect with Dr. Vaughn and his team, visit:

Watch his video: Top 5 Biblical Reasons Not to Vaccinate

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