Life is in the Blood: My RhoGAM Story | The Radiant Mission Podcast Ep 92

Navigating the complex world of medical interventions and religious convictions can be challenging, especially when it comes to decisions that impact women’s health. In the latest podcast episode, we find ourselves at the crossroads of scripture and science, discussing the use of RhoGAM, a blood product, and its implications on the sanctity of blood as viewed through the lens of faith.

Rebecca takes us on her personal journey, grappling with the decision to use RhoGAM during her pregnancy. As a woman with a negative Rh blood type, she represents a group often advised to accept this intervention. However, this recommendation is not without its controversies, stemming from its origins in experiments and the underlying assumptions about paternal certainty. As Rebecca recounts her experiences, she encourages listeners to reflect on the significance of informed decision-making when it comes to medical advice, especially in the context of the biblical understanding of blood’s sacredness.

Blood & RhoGAM

Delving into the scriptural perspective, Rebecca cites passages from Leviticus and Genesis, highlighting the vital role blood plays in the narrative of life according to the Bible. The concept of blood as the life force resonates with her deeply, prompting a cautious approach to introducing foreign substances into our bodies. This caution is underscored by her examination of the statistics surrounding RhoGAM and the very low incidence rate of Rh disease it aims to prevent, leading to questions about the necessity and safety of this medical practice.

Rebecca’s own adverse reaction to a RhoGAM injection post-delivery – an experience she initially found dismissed by medical professionals – brings a personal and emotional angle to the discussion. She speaks candidly about the side effects and the struggle to be taken seriously, an unfortunate reality many patients face in the healthcare system. This experience became a catalyst for her advocacy for self-research and a more holistic understanding of health that aligns with her spiritual beliefs.

The episode culminates with a message of light and forgiveness, drawing inspiration from 1 John, chapters 1 and 2. Rebecca reflects on the concept of walking in God’s light, acknowledging our missteps, and finding comfort in the grace that rejuvenates our spirit. She leaves her audience with the encouragement to carry these thoughts forward and to consider how our physical well-being is intricately connected to our spiritual health.

In summary, this podcast episode is a compelling blend of personal narrative, theological insight, and critical examination of a medical practice that touches the lives of many women. Rebecca Twomey’s story is a powerful testament to the importance of informed decision-making that honors both scientific knowledge and spiritual convictions. As we navigate the waters of women’s health, this episode stands as a reminder of the value of weighing our options carefully, armed with information, faith, and the courage to question.

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The Radiant Mission Podcast | Episode 92
Host: Rebecca Twomey

Thank you for listening to The Radiant Mission podcast! We are on a mission to encourage and inspire you on your walk with Christ and as you journey through life. 

In Episode 92 I share my personal story and adverse reaction to the RhoGAM injection alongside a deeper conversation about what the Bible says about our blood.

Bible Verses Mentioned:

  • Leviticus 17:11
  • Genesis 9:4
  • Leviticus 17:14
  • 1 John 1:5
  • 1 John 2:5


What does the Bible say about blood?

RhoGAM Website

RhoGam: The Triumph of Medical Science over Rh Disease

Answering Your Questions – On Being Rhesus Negative + Anti-D/Rhogam

Rho(D) Immune Globulin

Hemolytic disease of the newborn

New Phase 2 Data Demonstrate Potential Benefit of Nipocalimab for Pregnant Individuals at High Risk of Early-Onset Severe Hemolytic Disease of the Fetus and Newborn (HDFN)


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